In 2022 April – June Biržai, Kėdainiai, Anykščiai

Adolescence is a period of great challenges when you have to adapt to changes in yourself, your family and your peer group. In the current education system, students constantly experience various challenges. According to the World Health Organization, one in five adolescents have cognitive, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and one in eight adolescents suffer from a diagnosed mental disorder. The most effective way to take care of the health of adolescents is to implement and develop preventive programs in schools, where adolescents spend most of their time.

Biržai district municipality:

On 04/06/2022, preventive training on suicides and self-harm took place at Biržai Aušra primary school with psychologist Žaneta Tauriane. 20 participants took part in the training. During the training, we talked about crisis psychology, the main aspects of suicide, stages, statistics, what is self-harm? Self-harm in children and adolescents, risk of suicide in children and young people. What is the best help? How can I help myself? Right or wrong imaginings of suicide (myths and facts).

Municipality of Anykščiai district:

2022-04-29 at Jonas Biliūnas high school and 2022-06-10 in Anykščiai district. Psychologist Neringa Bernatonienė conducted training on the topic of depression at Kazios Inciuras Gymnasium in Troškūnai. 37 participants took part in the training. During the training, the mental health of children and adolescents was explored, where depression comes from and what are the main causes of its occurrence, and the main symptoms of depression. They talked about help options, taking care of their emotional health, self-knowledge and awareness training tasks, and recommendations for individual work.

On 05/06/2022, at Antanas Baranauskas primary school, psychologist Karolina Puzinaitė conducted training on sexual violence. The training covered the origin and causes of violence against others, the concept and forms of violence, signs of violence according to types of violence, recognition of sexual violence, stopping inappropriate behavior in the school environment, responding to violence at school, strengthening psychological resistance, human trafficking. How to help yourself and others when faced with sexual violence. 22 participants took part in the training.

2022-05-09 Anykščiai district Preventive training on the topic of the use of psychoactive substances took place in the Kavarska primary school. The training was conducted by Dovilė Navikienė. During the training, we talked about addictions, the harm of using psychoactive substances, strengthening the sense of self-worth by building personal confidence, and watched the therapeutic film “How to say no”. 16 participants took part in the training.

Kėdainiai District Municipality:

2022-04-12 Kėdainiai district in Šėta high school and 2022-04-14 Kėdainiai district. In Josvainiai high school, preventive training was held on the topic of health disorders related to overweight and obesity. Lecturer Evelina Vainorienė led the training, during the training they talked about overweight and obesity, its impact on health and quality of life, causes and threats. The lecturer introduced the 7 basic human needs. During the training, video material was presented, it was discussed, and stress management was taught according to the Eden method. 44 participants took part in the training.

05/31/2022, at Kėdainiai Ryto secondary school, 06/02/2022, Kėdainiai district. Preventive training on the topic of eating disorders was held at the Academy Gymnasium and on 06/07/2022 at Kėdainiai Šviesioja Gymnasium. Lecturer Evelina Vainorienė led the training. The students were given knowledge about eating disorders, about 6 types of hunger, the causes of eating disorders, how to prevent them, video material was presented during the training, it was discussed, and stress management was learned according to the Eden method. 76 participants took part in the training.

2022-04-08 Kėdainiai district In Truskava primary school, lecturer Dovilė Navikienė led the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances. 22 participants took part in the training.